Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Story: Name of Love ♥

"There's a special girl for me in the crowd tonight." Will scans the sea of people in front of him. He's sure she's there. "She's beautiful. And funny and smart and sometimes she can be a pain in the ass." The crowd laughs. His eyes continue on searching until they found her. She's standing by the right side of the stage, wearing her favorite black shirt, her hair down just the way Will wants it and she has a smile brighter than the spot light scanning the the crowd. Will continues. "I know I call you names." Now he's talking to her. "Angeline, Arlene, April, Beth, I even call you Zelda... It's not that I don't know your name, I do, believe me I do. I know it like I know my own name. It's just that I don't want to call you that. I don't want others to know your name because I want me to be the only one who gets to call you that. I want it to be mine..." Now he's smiling. Because her smile makes him smile. And he never once takes his eyes off her because he likes watching her. "So Alli," he continues. "Jez Allison Dawson... will you be mine?" The crowd roars. They begin cheering and jumping and looking for that girl Will is talking to. Soon they start chanting, "Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!" It's been a while until will adds, "Forever, if you don't mind." And finally, the spotlight found her. Crying in the sea of people is Alli with her Downtown Prince album. Immediately, Will makes his way to her, stopping just enough to give them space, just enough for him to reach out and wipe her tears away. The crowd also quiets down. "So, are you just going to cry there?" His fingers gently touches her cheeks. She's still crying but when she speaks, the smile is back on her face. "No. Actually..." She pauses to compose herself. "I plan on kissing you." It's like everything slows down when Alli wraps her arms around Will's neck and grabs him down so she can reach him. And when Alli finally closes the distance between them, Will knew it was the best damn night of his life.

And so Will finally found the name of love. Jez Allison Dawson.
And he likes it... No, he loves her.

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