I just finished watching Witch Hunter Robin and I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a good anime like this! I remember watching some of its episode before (it was airing on our local television) but didn't get the chance to watch the whole anime. Actually, the only reason why I watched it now was because of that photo of Robin I saw on Tumblr. I recognized her and suddenly wanted to refresh my memory of the anime. So I watched it and now I'm writing this.
Here's a short summary of what this anime is about: (Wikipedia)
The series follows a fictional Japanese branch of a secret global
organization called "SOLOMON" or the "Solomon Toukatsu Nin'idantai"
(roughly "Solomon Executive Organization"), abbreviated as "STN" or
"STN-J". Solomon fights the harmful use of witchcraft using a database of witches, which includes those who have obtained the power of witchcraft through genetics and others who carry the gene (called "seeds") in order to arrest or eliminate them should their
powers "awaken". The series focuses on one STN-J member, Robin Sena.
There. So basically it deals with witchcraft and the likes and revolves around Robin and her team. And I really enjoyed and loved this anime! All throughout there was a mystery behind Robin's true identity and along the way she fought to find out the truth with the others. And the ending, oh the ending!
Sakaki, Amon, Robin, Karasuma, Dojima
I know it's weird that I was looking for a bit of romance between Robin and Amon but didn't you get excited when you watched episode 15? I mean, when Amon saved Robin and when he wasn't able to finish what he was saying? "Robin, when we meet next time...." Right? I was looking forward for his next words but they didn't come out. And that scene when Touko and Amon were talking over the phone and Amon suggested a break up. Touko said that she was actually wondering when Amon would say that and then asked, "Do you..." What the hell was that? I would be glad to hear that it was, "Do you already love Robin?" Lol. Sorry I was just a sucker for romance!
Anyway, it was a good anime and I'm glad that I saw that photo of Robin on Tumblr. :)
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