Monday, October 23, 2017

Book: Depression & Other Magic Tricks by Sabrina Benaim

*Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for providing me with a copy of this book.*
i shake cinnamon into my coffee,
& i don’t think of you.
i write your name over and over
until it no longer has meaning.
i fold my memories of you, craft
them paper wings,
in hopes they might one day drift
into amnesia,
& you might leave me,
without a trace.
Before this book, I have never heard of Sabrina Benaim but now, after finishing this one beautiful book, I want to know more about her and her works. Depression and Other Magic Tricks was a very raw and relatable poetry collection! If you know me, you already know how much I love poetries and this one is something I’m glad I got to read. It explores themes related to mental health, family and relationships among others.
Some of the entries really tugged my emotions and I liked how the words spoke to me. I now know that the author does perform slam poetry that’s why this book has a different sound to it and a different writing style. Overall, this book is recommendable and if you love a book with depredsion/anxiety as a main topic, this one’s for you.

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