Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Love doesn’t demand to be loved back, but it doesn’t mean it exists to be taken for granted

I know right? And now it hurts. I should've never took him for granted. I should've have told him instead. :(( I thought he'll always be there but I was wrong. Now I regret not telling him what I really feel when I still had the chance. I blew it and now he's gone. He'll never be mine again.

I really regret it the first time I took someone for granted. I thought back then that if ever he really liked me, he wouldn't change or leave, but he did. Maybe he got tired of waiting for me and realized that I was not worth waiting anymore. It was sad but it was also my fault and I regret it. I promised myself I won't take anyone for granted anymore but here I go again. I lost someone dear to me again because of my stupid reasons! I never thought it will happen again and never thought he will leave me too. Now I'm screwed and it's all my fault. No one will ever like me again because they will think that I always take for granted those person around me. I don't know what's wrong with me but I just can't tell them what I really feel. I can't tell them how important they are to me and how much they mean to me. Maybe I'm just afraid. Afraid that if ever I tell them how I really feel, they will still leave in the end. So I think it's better if I will just keep it to myself and hide it in silence.


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