Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Book: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

Oh. My. Gosh. I cried a lot because of this book. 
It was really good and wonderful and beautiful and everything. 
“Oh, I wouldn’t mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”  -Augustus Waters

I wouldn't talk about what the book is all about but I will tell you my thoughts about it.
So, first, I loved it. I loved Hazel Grace. I love how she'd been so strong, how she fought cancer, how she liked it that Augustus called him Hazel Grace, how she flirted with Augustus by just saying "okay", how she read An Imperial Affliction over and over again, how she needed to know the next thing that happens to Anna, her mom and the Dutch tulip man, how she loved Augustus, how she got angry at Peter Van Houten and how she still missed Augustus. And I loved Augustus Waters. I loved the way he called Hazel, Hazel Grace, how he put a cigarette on his lips but never lighted one, how he was described as sexy, how he spent his wish to bring Hazel to Amsterdam to meet Peter Van Houten, how he flirted with Hazel on the phone, how he was willing to be heart broken as long as it was Hazel Grace and how he said "I'm in love with you" to Hazel Grace. I loved the story, the characters, and everything about it. And did I mention that I loved it?


I also heard that this will be made into a movie so I'm really excited. This would be a great one and I know people will love it too. I also  introduced this book to my sister and she told me she will find time to read it because she's so busy with school works. Yey! Now I have someone to talk to about Hazel Grace and Augustus. :))


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