Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Book: Never Never: Part Two by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher


And once again, it's a cliff-hanger. Can't wait to read the rest of it!! 

The book picks up where Charlie went missing and Silas needs to find her because both of them still can't remember anything. 

I was frustrated with the first book because it was hell confusing but now that I've read the second book it's starting to make sense. At least now we know that the Shrimp has something to do with happened with Silas and Charlie. 

I also love how Colleen and Tarryn wrote this book. I like how Silas still feels for Charlie even if he can't actually remember her. It's so sweet and I'm falling more and more in love as the story continues.

Now I can't wait to read the third book!

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