Wednesday, October 10, 2012


God Fearing.
With dimple/s. 

Okay let's admit it, there is no one in this world who possesses all of these, maybe 1 or 2 but not here, so it's impossible for me to find a perfect guy like this. But at least let me find someone who is understanding, God fearing and thoughtful. And gentleman and humorous and caring. Okay, exclude caring but sweet. And oh please, let him be taller than  me :)) So please, please, please, let me find someone like this. It doesn't matter where we meet, on the LRT, in the supermarket, in the mall, on the street, anywhere as long as we meet. And they say age doesn't matter, yes, but I want someone who's older than me. Hihi. :)

I know this is impossible but I know miracle happens everyday. Who knows God would reward me by letting me meet this perfect guy because I've been a good girl for 20 years. Who knows by the time I walk in the LRT, someone would get my attention and give back something that fell out of my bag. He would be smiling at me with those dimples on his cheeks and he would be a perfect  gentleman by helping me out with my things. Or when the elevator is about to close but someone hold it for me, I would be looking up at him and he would help me through. Or who knows by the time I get out of our house tomorrow, someone would be there waiting for me. :"> I don't know which of these will happen to me or will ever going to happen but I know things like these really happen. Maybe not to me, but at least they do happen. 

I'm demanding. I'm choosy. I'm impossible. But I wouldn't be asking for anymore but this. Just this guy and I will be perfectly happy. Forever. Thank you! :)


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