Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Contract of Agreement :)

I cleaned my study table this afternoon and I found this yellow paper tucked on my notebook. It made me laugh and miss Kia even more. :))

I remember, we made this contract at Gateway while waiting for our other friend. We were talking about movies and  came to Real Steel where Hugh Jackman was the lead actor. Kia wouldn't believe me that the lead actor was Hugh Jackman that she even bet it wasn't him. So I agreed on betting and of course, I won. Duh? I've seen the movie several times and I swore to her that it was Hugh Jackman but still she didn't believe me. In the end, she was forced to pay me 200.00. :)))))

Gosh! I missed her more. :( And it was sad to think that I won't see her everyday anymore. :( She used to tease me but I love her anyway. She's just my sweetest, and by that I mean the opposite, friend. :*


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