Tuesday, July 17, 2012

And it all began when.....

 I still remember that day... The first time we became close to each other. It was years ago, 4 years to be exact. We were in 3rd year highschool doing our I P project and it was one of the best times of our lives, well, for me it was one of those. It all started when we did our Banana Whitening Cream in his house... March 1, 2008

I just remembered since I accidentally saw his e mail add when I was browsing my sent items this evening to look for my prof's e mail add. The subject was I P and then it all came back to me. That was the e mail I sent him regarding our I P Project. Banana Whitening Cream was our title and the e mail contained the whole research paper. 

I still remember, it was Sunday and our group mates didn't make it. So we did it all by ourselves, him and I. I went to his house where he introduced me to his family. Well, they were friendly and nice. Anyway, back to our I P Project, first we searched some books for other information, then jotted down references and then after a while got bored. And just like any other teens who easily get bored reading, we decided to take a break and just chatted and talked about everything. I actually enjoyed his company because he was funny and sweet. :) I liked it when he told me things that made me smile. He also used to be the Mr. Bean of our class because he kinda looked like Mr. Bean. Anyway, after talking and eating and everything and our I P (of course), I went home smiling. And it was one of the best days of my life.

March 01, 2008, how can I forget you? How can I forget that first day of March when I got so happy just because I spent it with you? And how on earth can I forget you when you gave me so much to remember? :( Anyway, I just remembered. Kinda sad but somehow it brought back memories, good ones.


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