Friday, July 27, 2012

Retreat :)

July 22-26, 2012 at Mt. St. Paul Retreat House, Pico, La Trinidad :))

I'm Care - I Make Christ Alive in my Relationships.

It was a memorable retreat since so many great and not so good things happened. Great because I had a chance to be closer with God and my friends. I had a chance to examine my life, whether I am living it correctly with God or not. It was also great because I've realized things in life like my relationships with my family, friends, with God and with myself. 

It was in Baguio and we traveled for 6 hours I think. We left school around 7:30 am and arrived there at around 2 pm. And it was so cold there since it's already rainy season. Alex was my room mate and well, we were so behaved. I also made new friends with Diane, Rika and Grey. I also got closer with Tonet because we were always together the entire retreat. Our first night was fine but the second and third were scary. I mean, they were scary since Sister turned off all the lights and it was so dark. Our second night was also a mess since Sister got angry because of changing rooms making some left behind by their room mates and because of how noisy we were when walking, eating and every time there was no session. We apologized to Sister after she called us and fortunately we were able to make a deal with her. We made a promise not to be noisy again and we will behave properly because she said that if we won't behave properly the next day, she will call off our retreat. 

Father Jason Laguerta was our facilitator and he was also our facilitator on our last retreat so partly I already knew him. We had a lot of activities like knowing if you are a loner or not, if you are a concealer or a discloser and other things to fully know yourself.  On the first activities, it showed that I am a loner and I am a concealer. Well, partly it was true. But I have reasons why I don't tell anyone about my problems or my concern. I  just don't want to trouble others with my problems.We also watched some videos showing relationships between father and son, and mother and her children. They were so inspiring and they really touched me. Father Jason also gave us an activity to show the status of our lives now. He gave us a cup and there we drew the things we have in life now. I drew a happy me with smiling face, my family, my friends, my school, God and my problems. We also had a sharing about it and it was great to share others my life. On our third day, since we made a promise with Sister to behave properly, we were so quiet and everyone was so behaved. It was sometimes funny since the only thing you can hear were the sounds of spoons and forks and the dogs that are barking. Third went on and it was just fine. We had a lot of group sharing and on our mass, we shared about our wishes which really brought all of us in tears. We also had a confession before that. The last activity we had was to put on a ribbon on anyone who we thought we needed to be closer with or be thankful for. I put on ribbons on all my block mates who were on our group and of course to all the new friends I have. We also had a group hug that ended our retreat. Until evening came, Sister got angry again because it was already 11 pm and others were still taking a bath and walking loudly on the hall way. She turned off our lights again and we were done, she was totally angry with us. 

On our last day, we had a mass at 6 in the morning then breakfast then our retreat had officially ended. Our gadgets were given back and we had a time to take pictures and go around. By 8 we left the place and went on the road again for almost 6 hours. It was really a wonderful retreat but it was also sad since Kia was not able to make it because she was late. It was sad because she's the one I am closest with. :(

 Butch, Alex, Grey, Tonet, Me, Sam and Dianne

Alex, Me, Tonet and Dianne

Nikki, Alex, Me, Dianne

The ribbons I got from my friends :))

I'm Care

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