Saturday, June 16, 2012

Late night confessions.

When you don’t need people to be around, they seem to be always there. But when the time comes that you need people to be around you, even just one person, it seems that no one’s there. :(

 -I hate it when I feel alone even though there's a lot of people around me. My family, my so called friends, strangers, I feel like no one cares and no one seems to notice me, like I'm invincible. They see me but they don't give a damn whether I'm fine or feeling okay. They just don't care. Well, who cares about me anyway? I mean, who will bother to ask someone like me how I'm feeling or how I'm doing. But it's okay since I'm used to it. I'm used to people ignoring me and just thinking I'm fine, always fine.
 And I wonder how it feels like to be asked how I'm doing or how I'm feeling. I wonder how it feels like to have someone by your side just looking after you coz he/she knew you're not fine even though you told him/her you're fine a million times. I wonder how it feels like to have someone comforting you and saying he'll/she'll never leave you no matter what happens. I always wonder.

But this is life, sometimes you cry, sometimes you smile, sometimes you break down and sometimes you feel high. But whatever happens, always know that there is someone who will never give up on you, God. Always think that you're not alone!

And I may feel sad, lonely, hurt, or broken and feel like my whole world is crashing and my life is a mess, but you know what? I don’t care. I’m just gonna smile and show everyone that everything will be fine, everything will be alright and I’m gonna be happy again. Eventually. 


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