Monday, October 5, 2015

Book: Playlist For The Dead By Michelle Falkoff


Sam was Hayden's best and only friend. When Hayden committed suicide, Sam was left with a playlist Hayden made before he took his life. Now it was up to Sam to figure out why his bestfriend has done it and what the meaning behind the playlist was.
It was a good book. And that's all I can say, I guess. 
A my-bestfriend-committed-suicide-so-I-have-to-deal-with-it-or-let-it-ruin-me-too kind of story that has moving and strong parts. First chapters got me so into it but when I realized that it wouldn't get any further than what I expected it to be, I'd stopped hoping. And I did get why everyone thought it was their fault why it happened because somehow they were involved but it was just so frustrating to read them blaming themselves and claiming it was all their fault. I didn't also see how the playlist helped. Aside from giving Sam little hints through lyrics and memories and letting him know that his bestfriend used to listen to music he thought he hated, I don't think it had helped him at all. I don't know, maybe I just didn't get it. 

Anyway, I liked how Sam finally got over it and accepted the fact that Hayden wouldn't be his only bestfriend in the world. I know it was unfortunate and hard for Sam what happened to Hayden but sometimes even though we thought we really knew or understand a person, even when we talked and shared them everything, there are still things that we really don't see and understand about them. Things the person keeps for himself.

I honestly wanted this to be more because I really liked the idea of the playlist helping Sam solve the mystery behind his bestfriend's suicide but it was kind disappointing. Anyhoo, I give it 2.5-3 stars!

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